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Article: Now’s the time to get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions

Now’s the time to get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions

Now’s the time to get a head start on your New Year’s Resolutions

As we’re enjoying the well-earned days off in this odd lull between Christmas and New Year, it’s a perfect time to reflect on the year gone by and even ponder what’s to come by planning your New Year’s resolutions for 2022.

After a couple of weeks of over doing it on the food, booze and partying front, you are probably feeling a bit lethargic, mentally spent and needing to up the ante on the exercise front.

The origin of making New Year's resolutions started with the Babylonians over 4,000 years ago, who would make promises to their gods in the hope (if they kept their word) they would bestow good favour on them for the year ahead. The concept has never gone away.

Whether you’re looking to give up smoking, save more money/spend less money, lose weight, get more organised, get a better job, amazingly only 8% of us actually keep our resolutions for the year. Those that do make a New Year's resolution are 10 times more likely to achieve their goals when they tell others their resolution plans and ideas. So, plan ahead. If you make the effort and you’re mentally prepared before the new year begins, you’ll be way ahead of the game.

If you haven’t found the time to consider what your 2022 New Year’s Resolutions could be, here’s some inspiration and tips to get you going:

1. Raise your physical game 

It’s time to get out of those pyjamas, wrap up in something warm and get out into the fresh air. Enjoy everything about nature during winter and increase your physical well-being today. Just because your goal is to either lose weight or tone up next year, it doesn’t mean you have to go in full guns blazing now. You will never regret a workout - even if it’s low intensity, make a positive start today. Incorporate our Energos range into your new fitness regime - every product is inspired by ancient Greek botanical science and designed to enhance your fitness goals and support natural relief in muscles and joints pre, during and post-activity. The properties of our Energos products will optimise your physicality, giving you a winning mindset regardless of the workout, competition or the endurance at hand.

winter walks December proactive exercise feel good2. Improve your cooking skills

Be resourceful and make good use of the Christmas leftovers to bake something delicious and healthy. Perhaps alter how you cook your food including dry cooking it rather than frying or maybe try grilling etc. All can be found from a quick Google search with thousands of easy recipes to follow. Try adding a few drops of our CBD Oil to your recipes - they’re designed to calm, soothe and ease your mind, body and soul. The therapeutic qualities of the natural ingredients and oils we use are selected for their well-known health benefits.

Christmas leftovers winter food December foodie recipes

3. Adopt a healthier lifestyle

Whether it’s reducing your alcohol intake or cutting back on takeaways, small changes can make a huge difference to a healthier New Year you. Set yourself some sustainable parameters and stick to them. Telling yourself you won’t have a takeaway all year is unrealistic, but treating yourself once a fortnight and opting for a “fakeaway” at home on the alternate week is fair enough. Don’t deprive yourself of the things you love, you’re more likely to fail and binge if you do so.

4. Learn a new hobby or skill

Why not try learning a language? Learning a language has never been easier because of the sheer volume of online resources and apps to discover at the end of your fingertips. You could plan to set aside 10 minutes every day and learn whilst on the go (on the train, waiting for appointments, in your lunch break). Starting now means you have a couple of days to familiarise yourself with your new dialect and create a pattern for you to follow.  

If taking up a new sport is on your list – you should never underestimate a good outfit. Having the right activewear is so important for your performance, take advantage of the boxing day sales, book on to a trial session and get prepared.   

yoga New Years resolutions healthy active lifestyle 

If you’re considering a career change or maybe just adding another string to your bow - surrounding yourself with like-minded people is key. You can make a start now by researching some forums to join or Facebook groups and exploring the conversation so far… your future is just a few clicks away.

Be proactive today and good luck. New Year, New You. 

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